Tuesday, December 20, 2011

10 Things I learned in the first semester of seminary

I began my Master of Divinity program this September at the Vancouver School of Theology. A part of me wishes I had written down my expectations for school as it would help me fully understand the process of where I have come in just a short three months. I have attempted to document some thoughts on 10 things I learned this semester 1) God is bigger than I imagine. Are you surprised? I hope you aren't. I have learned to begin every class with prayer, requesting that God show me something new about God's character. Do you know that I was never disappointed 2) I have a strong voice and it is okay to use it. There were several situations in which I voiced my opinion regarding something that had been said or done in class. Afterwards I questioned whether or not I should have opened my mouth. I have come to realize that seminary is also a place that encourages you to develop your own 'theological voice' so-to-speak. God gave me an articulate, strong voice so I give it to God to use accordingly. 3) Seminary is not simply about studying God, it is also about understanding yourself and what you think. My favourite class this semester was called Constructive Theology. In essence it was the study of the academics or ideologies of theology and how to apply them in practical ways. The further we delved into the various theologians and their philosophies the more I realized that this course was to help you formulate what it is, exactly, that you believe. 4) Taking a Sabbath is crucial. There is a reason why Jesus says in Mark 2:27 that "The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath". There may be times in life where there is not enough time in the day but the trauma of continued busy-ness is far more draining. The gift of a Sabbath is to be enjoyed and cherished. Use it! 5) Community is important but prayer is crucial. Having a body of fellow believers surround you is very important to the life of a seminarian. You are constantly being bombarded with new and strange ideas. The community provides you with an outlet of venting and sharing as you sift through the challenges of academic processing. Prayer, however, can often get overlooked. When one is surrounded by 'God-talk' all day it is easy to forget the need for direct communion with God. Prayer is crucial! 6) Everyone carries hurt with them, including seminarians. I think one thing that surprised me the most was the challenge and hardship which was faced amongst some individuals. We must never forget that no one is perfect and everyone carries hurts. The challenge is not to let those hurts affect the way you treat others. 7) Being kept from sleep is not necessarily a bad thing. Remember how I mentioned the importance of prayer above? Well, I am a firm believer that God will do anything to get your attention, including waking you in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. Listen to God and pray. 8) Quiet time is not as bad as it seems. Being still is something that God has encouraged since ancient Biblical times. "Be still and know that I am God..." Take time everyday to be quiet and let your mind go where it pleases. 9)Seminaries, like the church are not perfect. Do not expect them to be. They are filled with people who are human. Have mercy and love for seminary schools as a place where people are welcomed to challenge the status-quo. 10) Jesus doesn't care whether I get an A+ or a C-. Jesus simply asks that I try.

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