Thursday, July 16, 2009

Well, it' official. I have confirmation that I will be placed in Nyeri, Kenya for my contract. To say the least I am very excited and nervous all at once.
I was remembering on the weekend an interesting prayer I had with someone. I was at an Athletes In Action retreat in 2008 and the guest speaker was Herbie Kuhn. Herbie is the announcer for the Toronto Raptors. He spoke of following the path that God has in-store for each person. After his last talk he talked around the room offering prayer to each individual. He prayed for me and after he was finished he looked at me and said "I feel I have to tell you that I see you working with children."
At the time I kind of blew it off as something that he had just said to me in passing. I have worked at a local YMCA for more than 5 years and my idea of working with children was limited to what I could see there. I was NOT interested in working with children in a swimming lesson context; not that I hate teaching swimming lessons but that I'd had enough for the time being. Also around that same time I had big aspirations to someday become involved in the UN in some capacity.
As time went on I realized that Herbie's comment was not something that was said in passing but was a meaningful, even prophetic statement.
Last week I was driving back from Montreal with a friend and I was beyond exhausted. I don't remember being able to think straight but I remember all of a sudden remembering this comment from Herbie. The second I realized it I also received an overwhelming sense of assurance that Kenya was were I was going- this was 2 days prior to getting the confirmation that Kenya was a go...
Ha, I am continually blown away by my own lack of faith. God promised me everything and he's done just that.
"To worship you Jesus, is my sole desire... purpose to lift your name high!"- Hillsong.
Here is the website if you are interested in finding out more information about where I'll be.


  1. Yay! You are going to Kenya I am so excited for you. I know you'll have a great time and learn and do amazing things. Do you know when you're going?

  2. Thanks Mall!! I'm really excited too. I don't know the exact dates of depature yet but it will be mid to late November by the time I am actually on the ground out there. When do you leave?
    Has the Canadian food mades its way out of your system yet, lol?

  3. Congratulations! I am so happy for you. Kenya: what an adventure. You are in my prayers as you prepare over the coming months. BTW, I have a Kenyan Presbyterian friend through the World Council of Churches. I shall have to ask her exactly where she is located. She is very active in the Presbyterian Church and ecumenically, both with youth and those with disabilities (she herself is disabled). If she is an example of the faithful people with whom you will work, you will be in wonderful hands indeed! Blessings...
